

- The Terms and Conditions set forth in this document

Station Cars – Trading name of Herts And London Minicabs Limited Ltd a limited company incorporated at the address Station Cars 7 Station Approach WORCESTER PARK KT4 7NB under company number- 11700353 Operating under TFL London Minicabs and Private Hire Operator Licence No 010160

Office - Refers to the Station Cars office at Station Cars 7 Station Approach WORCESTER PARK KT4 7NB

Customers – Individuals who request booking through Station Cars but have not yet secured a booking

We, Our, Us – Refers to Herts And London Minicabs Limited Ltd

You, Passenger – Refers to the individual or group availing the services of Station Cars

Driver – Refers to the driver registered with us and licenced by TFL London Minicabs and Private Hire

The Station Cars service

Station Cars, as an operator, acknowledges that when accepting a booking from a customer, it enters into a contract directly with that customer. As such, Station Cars is solely responsible for the bookings and transportation services provided, and it shall not transfer its responsibility as principal in the contract to drivers or any other parties.

Payment of fare

At the time of the creation of the booking the passenger will be given a fare for the job along with notification of any additional charges that may be incurred, such as Parking, Airport Pickup/Drop off charges, charges for additional luggage, Congestion charges, ULEZ, tolls etc.

This Payment can be tendered in 3 ways:

In case of unpredictable payments, such as Parking expenses you may be expected to pay only in cash. You will be informed of this when you create a booking. This fare shall not be altered by the driver at any time without authorisation from the office. This authorisation will be communicated to the passenger beforehand either through phone call or text message if a call is impossible. In case such a situation arises Please send you complaints to the following email (info@stationcars.org) or on the following number (02083307000), and we will conduct an investigation and take necessary action.

Cancellation of services

The passenger is permitted to cancel their booking at any time before they are picked up by the driver at no cost to the passenger. Upon accepting a booking from a customer, Station Cars enters into a contract directly with that customer. Therefore, any contract formed after the passenger has been picked up is solely between the passenger and Station Cars. Station Cars retains the responsibility for bookings and transport services throughout, and shall not transfer its responsibility as principal in the contract to drivers or any other parties. In the event of an incomplete or cancelled journey, Station Cars may engage in negotiation on behalf of the customer. In the event of multiple such last-minute cancellations, we may at our discretion chose to Permanently or temporary Blacklist you from our service.

Expectation of good practice

We expect out Customers to avail our services in good faith and remain civil towards our drivers and support staff at all times. Any malicious behaviour, such as withholding payment, disorderly conduct, threatening or engaging in violence etc. may result in being permanently Blacklisted from our services with no prior notice. We may also choose to pursue legal recourse through the police or TFL. Station Cars will make every effort to ensure all our drivers are polite, professional and prompt, however, we are not in a position to guarantee the behaviour or each and every driver. Passengers will be held liable for any damage to the car they booked and any be made to pay for any repair or cleaning made necessary by their actions. If you experience any difficulties or wish to make a complaint, please contact us on the following email (info@stationcars.org) or on the following number (02083307000). If you lost any item in car during your journey you can report us by contacting on the following email (info@stationcars.org) or on the following number (02083307000) Aside form the terms laid out in this contract the customer will also be expected to follow all relevant statutes set by the UK government or its agencies including TFL.